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INTRODUCTION: The Holy Spirit is multi-faceted. Every believer must possess these Spirits to live effectively on the earth – Isa.11:1-2, Rev. 3:1
The Spirit of Love – 2 Tim. 1:6
The Holy spirit renders the believer help in the race of life. HE is an advantage in the life of a believer. The closer we walk with God, the more of his nature we exhibit – 1 John 4:18, 1 John 4:8
God is love and HE created the earth – therefore its meant to be operated by love – because the source of a thing determines its sustenance.
We are created in God’s image and likeness therefore we must function as a loving being. Gen.1:27
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What is Love?
1. Love is loving God above all else, including oneself. Loving God above every other thing and without reservation. Love is not an emotion, it is a decision. Matt. 22:36-40
2. Love is loving God for who HE is and not what HE does or what HE does not do. Rom. 8:35-39. Love is all about a God-First lifestyle
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What Is in Love That Makes It the Greatest of All Spiritual Virtues? – 1 Cor 13:13
Everything that works in the kingdom, works because of love. – 1 Cor. 13:1-2
1. Faith works by love – Gal. 5:6, Rom. 4:20-21
It is love that grants us access into unusual insights in the Word. It is love coupled with faith that enhances our worth on the earth.
2. Revelation flows by love – John 15:15, Rom. 8:38-39
Revelation is a waste outside of love;
3. Giving works by love.
You can give without love, but you cannot love without giving. Giving without love can never guarantee results – 1 Cor. 13:3
4. Prayer works by love. 1 Kings 18:40-46, 1 Kings 19:10
5. Delightsome obedience that turns giants out of believers is facilitated by love. Who you love, you naturally want to obey. When you are in love, you don’t struggle to obey God – Deut. 28:1, Psa. 112:1
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Why Do We Need the Spirit of Love – 2 Tim. 1:7
1. Prophetically, the love of many shall wax cold in these end-time- Matt. 24:12, Proverbs 20:27
2. Love secures access to divine secrets; it’s a passionate love for God that secures access to divine secrets which then makes stars of believers in the race of life – John 15:15, Rom. 8:36
3. Faith shall be under the worst attack hence the Spirit of Love is required to keep our faith alive against all odds – Gal. 5:6
4. The Spirit of Love empowers us to sustain our love for God in and out of season. Act. 4:13
5. The human nature is naturally selfish; it is the Spirit of Love that kills selfishness – Luke 12:18
You can make a decision to love, but that love needs to be empowered. Until you are empowered by the Spirit of Love, you can easily be discouraged.
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How Do I know the Love that is Not Powered by the Holy Spirit?
1. When you are still offended in others. Luke 17:1
2. If your service to God is as convenient not as commanded.
3. If appearing in church is a burden.
4. If you find it difficult to forgive.
5. If you lack passion for souls. 1 Cor. 9:16
Why New Dawn?
Our God is a God of new things. He never performed any miracle the same way twice
God hates to see us at a stand-still in life.
How to Activate Your New Dawn
Be born again. Ecc.12:13-14
Our First Love is sharing the Gospel and winning souls – Rev. 2:1-4
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Things That Can Distract Us from Our First Love
1. Temporary challenges of life – Luke 21:13, Job 14:7-9
2. Lack of understanding of life. Many times, there are invisible hands working out visible things in secret places for us – the moment of your weariness is when God is repacking your destiny – until a seed dies, it doesn’t grow
3. Offenses from the brethren
4. Mis-behavior of spiritual leaders

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