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MESSAGE SERIES: The Bible, A Most Reliable Guide of Life Pt. | Psalm 119:105|
INTRODUCTION: Understanding how God leads is crucial to anyone who wants to make the most impact in life. Isa. 48:21
Ignorance of God’s ways can be very costly. Jer. 2:14-17
It is costly not to know God’s ways, and it is more costly to know it and not to follow it. Jer. 2:17
Life is an adventure of choice, the choice you make determines the quality of the type of life you live. Deut. 30:19
The Bible has been made available to us by God, which is the ultimate guiding book of life.
Until God can instruct you by His word, He won’t guide you by His voice.
Only those that obey the written word, can enjoy the guiding voice. Deut. 28:1-2
There is no department of life that is not ordered by the word of God. 2Cor. 6:17, Amos 3:3, Josh. 1:8
The Bible is a book of instruction, and it is available to all. 1Tim. 3:17,
Whatever advances your career is God’s will. Prov. 4:18
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• The Word is the creator’s manual for profitable living. When you follow the direction of the bible, your life will be profitable | 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Heb. 4:2, Rom. 12:1-2, Gen. 26:1-2
• Engaging with the instructions of scripture makes wise.
Ecc. 10:10
The Word delivers under all circumstances equal or unequal. It is a universal currency and contains God’s principles of success, healing etc. Matt. 24:35. Isa. 34:16
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Requirements for being guided by the Bible.
• You must be born again. John 3:3, John 1:12, Rom. 8:14
• You must be clothed with meekness. Psa. 25:9; 12
How does the Bible guide believers?
1. The Word shows us the right way to go in every aspect of our lives. If you love pleasure, you will live in poverty. Psa. 109:105
2. The Word reproves and corrects, to keep us on track | Acts 10:34, 2Tim. 3:16, Prov. 4:13
Until God can instruct you with His word, He won’t direct you with His voice. Gen. 1:1-2
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Covenant Day of Rescue
I. Every child of God is a child of light, and because we are children of God, we ought to reflect Him. 1 John 1:5, Luke 8:28
II. When you contact the light of God, darkness cannot hold you.
III. Access to light is the only way to be free of the assaults of the powers of darkness | Isa. 60:1-2, Psa. 119:130
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