INTRODUCTION: Everything needed for the perfect health of the believer has already been deposited and is contained in his or her salvation, and this is accessed via revelation.
Our possession is tied to our revelation. Deut. 29:29,
Jesus is the Great Physician. Matt. 9:12, Acts 10:38
Medical practitioners are an avenue for healing but they are limited. They can care and treat, but God is the ultimate healer. Mark 4:23, John 11:39-44
The Balm in Gilead is the Word of God. The Word of God is the carrier of the healing you desire. It conveys your healing and deliverance. Psalm 107:20, Matthew 8:8-13
Areas the Enemy Attacks With Sickness
1. Sickness of the Spirit. One of the activators of sickness is sin. A sick spirit can never sustain a healthy body – John 5:14, Proverbs 15:13, Proverbs 18:14
2. Emotional Sickness, which includes anxiety and bitterness. You can’t be bitter and better at the same time. Forgiveness is for your own good, not the other person. Ephesians 4:31
3. Physical sickness in the body. Job 2:7, Matt. 8:14, Luke 4:38
4. Financial sickness. 3 John 1:2
5. Demonic oppression; mental imbalance. Matt. 4:24
How Jesus Heals?
1. Heals via the Word. Luke 5:17, Luke 6:18-19
The Word is spiritual nutrition for our spirit man; we need the Word to be spiritually fit and healthy. There is power and authority in the Word of God that heals – Luke 9:6
2. Heals via His power. Isaiah 61:2
3. Heals via His name. Mark 16:16-17
It takes faith to receive healing from God
Why Come to Church for Healing?
The Church of Christ is the pool of Bethesda where everyone who steps in is made whole. John 5:1-4
The Church of Christ is like the pool of Siloam where age-long illnesses are healed. John 9:1-7
The Church of Christ is the Jordan River, where all forms of leprosy are cleansed. 2 Kings 5:1-8
What is the Holy Communion?
It is a kingdom mystery for strength, health, and longevity – 1 Cor. 11:20-30